g_b Outnotes.com

2005-05-04 Thread Vikram D
Here's a great site that's just be launched that archives the letters of queer people who have come out to their families and people they are close to. They're worth reading even if you're already out - or have no intentions of coming out. They're moving, interesting, amusing - the second one

g_b from the Washington Blade: Looking hate in the face

2005-05-08 Thread Vikram D
An article that resonated with me because Amsterdam was the first place abroad my boyfriend and I visited together and the first place where we could walk hand in hand as anacknowledged gay couple, rather than in the Indian way where we could just be seen as gay friends. It sounds silly

Re: g_b 'The Bath' - a short film by Sachin Kundalkar

2005-08-09 Thread Vikram D
Apologies. Was writing late at night and focusing on Sachin's work, but I should have mentioned the HIVOS funding and Samabhavna's work that made this possible. Correction noted here. Also thanks for giving me the actor's name. I'm told he is a rising young actor on the Marathi stage. Sachin

g_b Gaybombay Meet on Blackmail @ ZOUK on 13th May

2007-04-29 Thread Vikram D
GB Meet on Blackmail and Extortion There's one line of argument about being gay in India, which is that it's no big deal. Sure it's illegal, but it's not prosecuted. Gay men face problems from their family, but not from the government - the existence of sites like GB itself is evidence of

g_b poems: Banalata Sen

2007-06-28 Thread Vikram D
After posting the Auden poems as a tribute for his centenary year, and more recently posting The More Loving One again on the GB list, I've got a few mails suggesting I start posting poem selections with commentary on the list again. This was something I did some years back, choosing poems that

g_b poems: Against Coupling

2007-06-28 Thread Vikram D
Against Coupling I write in praise of the solitary act: of not feeling a trespassing tongue forced into one’s mouth, one’s breath smothered, nipples crushed against the ribcage, and that metallic tingling in the chin set off by a certain odd nerve: unpleasure. Just to avoid those eyes would

g_b poems: No Road

2007-06-29 Thread Vikram D
No Road Since we agreed to let the road between us Fall to disuse, And bricked our gates up, planted trees to screen us, And turned all time’s eroding agents loose, Silence, and space, and strangers - our neglect Has not had much effect. Leaves drift unswept, perhaps; grass creeps unmown; No

g_b poem: In Memory Of David Kalstone

2007-07-03 Thread Vikram D
After yesterday's poem by James Merrill, a poem that touches on him and his death, and that of another friend of his: In Memory Of David Kalstone who died of AIDS Lime-and mint mayonnaise and salsa verde Accompanied poached fish that Helen made For you and J.M. when you came to

g_b two poems: The Shirt / Coat

2007-07-09 Thread Vikram D
The Shirt The shirt touches his neck And smooths over his back. It slides down his sides. It even goes below his belt— down into his pants. Lucky shirt. Jane Kenyon Coat Sometimes I have wanted to throw you off like a heavy coat. Sometimes I have said you would not let

g_b poem: Squaring Up

2007-07-13 Thread Vikram D
A thought provoking poem which when I first posted it on the GB list got two thought provoking comments, one from Dr.Ajit and one from our late, much missed friend Quentin. I've added them both at the end: Squaring Up When I was thirteen and crimping my first quiff Dad bought me a

g_b poem: Delay

2007-07-16 Thread Vikram D
Back with the poems after a break for a few days. At yesterday's GB meeting the subject came up about the problems people have finding love. And one reason seems to be the huge expectations we have, the image of Mr.Right which is so strong in our minds that we overlook Mr.Right Enough who's

g_b poem: Song to the Skinhead

2007-07-28 Thread Vikram D
A poem I thought of because the last few days I've been talking to a guy who's been having problems with someone who has been coming to his house trying to harass and blackmail him. But the guy refused to be blackmailed, he didn't listen to his assailant, got the building watchmen to stop him

g_b poem: Thank-You Note

2007-07-28 Thread Vikram D
An interesting poem for the weekend - which I hope its spent with friends, both those loved and those liked... Thank-You Note I owe so much to those I don't love. The relief as I agree that someone else needs them more. The happiness that I'm not the wolf to their sheep.

g_b Announcing the GBpoz forum

2007-07-30 Thread Vikram D
When it started raining hard around lunchtime I thought today's meeting on Living With HIV was literally going to be a washout, but it was good to see how well attended it was, with around 40 guys and a lot of interest and involvement in the talk by Kashmira Shaw. But what we're really

g_b poem: “If I can let you go as trees le t go”

2007-08-01 Thread Vikram D
“If I can let you go as trees let go” If I can let you go as trees let go Their leaves, so casually, one by one; If I can come to know what they do know, That fall is the release, the consummation, Then fear of time and the uncertain fruit Would not distemper the great lucid skies This

g_b poem: Sailing

2007-08-02 Thread Vikram D
Sailing After having loved we lie close together and at the same time with distance between us like two sailing ships that enjoy so intensely their own lines in the dark water they divide that their hulls are almost splitting from sheer delight while racing, out in the blue under sails which

g_b two poems: The Tobacconist's Window and Body, Remember....

2007-08-04 Thread Vikram D
The Tobacconist's Window Near the brightly lit tobacconist's shop-window they were standing, in a crowd. Their glances met by chance, expressing the forbidden longings of their flesh uncertainly and shyly. Then a few uneasy paces on the pavement until they smiled, and nodded slightly. And

g_b poem: Take Him

2007-08-04 Thread Vikram D
After some fairly heavy duty poems, a much lighter one for the weekend (though with some long notes at the end). Strictly speaking these are lyrics rather than a poem, from the musical Pal Joey, so they have that slight sense of something missing that lyrics always have. But they're funny and

g_b poem: Room Mates

2007-08-06 Thread Vikram D
Room Mates They said, they couldn’t take us both. I said, they’d have to. What _is_ this - the Salvation Army? They’ll be praying over us next. Our money’s the same paper as anyone else’s And prompter. We don't fiddle the meter or block the loo We have other things to think of. When

g_b pre-employment testing for HIV

2007-08-07 Thread Vikram D
I'm cross posting this message that I'd posted on the GBpoz forum, partly to draw people's attention to the forum (link given below), but also because its an important issue and I'd like to get feedback from as many people as possible even if they're not on the forum. Here's the message and

g_b ghazal: I went into the garden at dawn to gather roses

2007-08-07 Thread Vikram D
Ghazal I went into the garden at dawn to gather roses, When suddenly I heard the voice of the nightingale Poor thing, he was stricken in anguish for the love of the rose, And sprinkled the meadows round with his sobs, as he looked for help. Lost then in thought, slowly I paced in the

g_b poem: My True Love Hath My Heart, and I Have His

2007-08-25 Thread Vikram D
My True Love Hath My Heart, and I Have His My true-love hath my heart, and I have his, By just exchange, one for the other giv'n. I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss; There never was a better bargain driv'n. His heart in me keeps me and him in one, My

g_b poem: Intimates

2007-08-25 Thread Vikram D
Intimates Don’t you care for my love? she said bitterly. I handed her the mirror, and said: Please address these questions to the proper person! Please make all requests to head-quarters! In all matters of emotional importance please approach the supreme authority direct! – So I handed her

g_b GRAB: Marigold and Budha Mar Gaya

2007-08-25 Thread Vikram D
Everyone has clearly been going slack on the film watching front because there haven't been any mentions of GRABs for the last few weeks. Perhaps everyone assumed that between Gandhi, My Father and Chak De! India the chances of GRABs was so low they could all take a break. Well, they

g_b poem: A Glimpse

2007-08-28 Thread Vikram D
A Glimpse A glimpse, through an interstice caught, Of a crowd of workmen and drivers in a bar-room, around the stove, late of a winter night – and I unremarked, seated in a corner, Of a youth who loves me, and whom I love, silently approaching, and seating himself near, that he may hold me

g_b poem: Balls

2007-08-29 Thread Vikram D
Balls Actually: it’s the balls I look for, always. Men, in the street, offices, cars, restaurants. it’s the nuts I imagine – firm, soft, in hairy sacks the way they are down there rigged between the thighs. the funny way they are. One in front, a little in front of the other, slightly higher.

g_b poem: The Hammam Name

2007-08-30 Thread Vikram D
The Hammam Name (after a poem by a Turkish lady) Winsome Torment rose from slumber, rubbed his eyes, and went his way Down the street towards the Hammam. Goodness gracious! people say, What a handsome countenance! The sun has risen twice to-day! And as for the Undressing Room it quivered in

g_b for the GB Parents meet

2007-09-23 Thread Vikram D
This time next Sunday the Gaybombay Parents meet will be going on. I've lost count of which number this is - maybe the 6th or 7th time we're having it. Whatever the numbers its easily one of the most amazing GB events and I would really urge everyone who can to attend it - with or without

g_b it isn't just gays who get scammed like this...

2008-01-09 Thread Vikram D
A young heterosexual married couple in Bangalore faces what gay men have to face all the time: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Bangalore_cops_harass_couple/articleshow/2681896.cms Amit Varma, to his credit, makes that connection, but perhaps we should try to make sure that more

g_b 377 case - a long history

2009-07-01 Thread Vikram D
Here's an overview of the 377 case that I had written for a friend's website. Unfortunately the site is not yet up or I'd have just given the link:     The long road of the S.377 case Vikram Doctor, Mumbai, 15/4/2009 On 7th November 2008 Chief Justice A.P.Shah of the Delhi High Court said a

g_b imminent 377 verdict - info and QAs

2009-07-01 Thread Vikram D
Hi everyone, I think most of us have heard the news that the 377 verdict is probably due to be delivered at 10.30 tomorrow in the Delhi High Court. We are waiting for final confirmations when the schedule of the Court is released by 9 pm. But it does seem like its going to happen. We've all

g_b Delhi High Court invokes the idea of India to rule S.377 inapplicable to consenting adults

2009-07-02 Thread Vikram D
Everyone must have heard about the verdict. Its amazing, an unbelievable culmination of an eight year struggle (and the start of another one, but we do have this win).   What is even more amazing is the historic terms in which Chief Justice A.P.Shah of the Delhi High Court framed his decision.

g_b 377: what it means

2009-07-02 Thread Vikram D
Preliminary views, we need to read the judgment carefully:   Question 1) Is this judgment only applicable in Delhi?   Response) This is the first time a court as senior as this, with such respected judges, has given a decision on homosexuality. Because of that it sends a powerful signal to the

g_b respond to the backlash

2009-07-02 Thread Vikram D
The backlash has already started. Lots of homophobic comments on the Net, as responses to media stories. Come on everyone, fight back and post messages countering them.

g_b an amazing judgment

2009-07-02 Thread Vikram D
Reading the judgment it just gets better and better. This is more than just a victory - its a seriously strong judgment that is not going to be easy to challenge. It goes further than just making consensual gay sex legal. It formally recognises sexual orientation in Indian legal terms, and

g_b pointers for public debates

2009-07-04 Thread Vikram D
In the aftermath of the verdict many of us are having to debate it, both privately and publically with often very hostile people. Its probably sadly true that the really hostile will not change their minds, but the battle is really for the undecided or those willing to listen, who will be

g_b territorial issues

2009-07-04 Thread Vikram D
This question about the 377 verdict only being applicable in Delhi keeps coming up. I really am not very impressed by it - its the sort of point that's being made by people who feel the need to make a point to show how clever they are. Its certainly not the spirit in which the judgment was

g_b the religious debate

2009-07-04 Thread Vikram D
The reaction of religious leaders has focussed attention on religions and homosexuality. This is going to be an important, bitter debate and we really need queer people of faith to come up and start discussing how they manage to balance both being religious and queer.   There have also been

g_b from TimeOut Mumbai: Ben's story

2009-07-08 Thread Vikram D
I don't normally post my TimeOut Mumbai columns when they are current, but I'm making an exception here since its about such a topical subject as the 377 verdict, and it is a tribute to a friend who is no longer with us, but who made a small, but real contribution to the case.   Many of you

g_b utterly butterly queer!

2009-07-10 Thread Vikram D
For some much needed - and supportive - light relief, as always we can thank Amul:   http://www.amul.com/images/topical.jpg

g_b blood donation and homosexuals

2009-07-15 Thread Vikram D
HT ran a story today on how Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi has banned homosexuals from donating blood:   http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/StoryPage.aspx?sectionName=HomePageid=11b758bb-541e-462c-81a5-d2e1b459b1bfHeadline=Blood+banks+outlaw+gay+donors+despite+shortages   The story is

g_b Largest Hindi magazine does broadly positive story on queer rights

2009-08-03 Thread Vikram D
This is really good news. We've all been wondering what people in the heartland will make of the Delhi High Court verdict, and the fact that Baba and Lalu and people like that, who claim to be the voice of the Hindi heartland, were so negative has made us apprehensive. Sahara, another voice of

g_b TimeOut Mumbai's LGBT Issue is Out!

2009-08-06 Thread Vikram D
TimeOut Mumbai, always a uniquely queer supportive publication, has come out with a special LGBT Issue that is loosely tied in to the Queer Azadi March on the 16th. Following from what they did in Bangalore some months back, they've taken LGBT Issues on the cover and have packed the issue with

g_b TimeOut Mumbai's LGBT issue now online

2009-08-10 Thread Vikram D
As promised, TimeOut Mumbai has just put its entire LGBT Special issues, including the great pix of many friends like Kris, Gauri, Praful, Abhijit and others. Here's the link to the issue:   http://timeoutmumbai.net/client_coverstory/client_coverstory_summay.asp?coverstoyrcode=101   And here's

g_b from DNA: Harsh Roongta on same sex couples applying for home loans

2009-08-11 Thread Vikram D
DNA has featured an interesting piece by personal finance expert Harsh Roongta on whether same sex couples can get joint home loans. This is definitely an important issue with more and more queer long term couples living together and wanting to take a joint home loan both for the greater amount

g_b Shekhar Gupta interview with Justice A.P.Shah

2010-02-16 Thread Vikram D
Shekhar Gupta, the editor of the Indian Express, interviewed A.P.Shah on his Walk the Talk show, and this has been transcribed in today's Express. Here's a link to the full interview, where he talks about his S.377 judgment:  

g_b Martha Nussbaum on overcoming the politics of disgust

2010-03-09 Thread Vikram D
Dahlia Lithwick, Salon's incomparable jurisprudence journalist, has an article on a new book by Martha Nussbaum that sounds like it has a lot of relevance for us in India at this stage of the queer rights movement. Nussbaum's book is how gay rights is advancing by defeating the politics of

g_b how do you prove you're gay?

2010-03-11 Thread Vikram D
From the New York Observer, an article on guys who get mistaken to be straight. Some of this is can be rather annoying, when it seems to come from a certain self-satisfaction of oh we're not like those flaming queens.   Still, if one overlooks that, it does point to a space where being gay or

g_b from the Economist: helping the wives (and getting them to help)

2010-03-19 Thread Vikram D
An interesting article from the Economist which looks at the wives of gay men. The article focusses on China, but there are thousands of women in India in the same position. Perhaps we need an organisation like the one described in the article, to give support to these wives. And perhaps if

g_b Ricky Martin vs Sean Hayes: two ways to come out

2010-03-31 Thread Vikram D

g_b Queer Nazariya and Kashish

2010-04-06 Thread Vikram D
Congratulations Smriti, Sophie and everyone else who organised a really wonderful Queer Nazariya festival. Unfortunately I could only catch the tail end of it, but the films I saw were excellent - the last film 'The Quest for the Lost Piece' was just magically gentle and humorous and also

g_b from Indian Express: Campus backlash

2010-04-15 Thread Vikram D
An excellent piece by Georgina in Indian Express today pointing out how the Siras affair is not an isolated incident, but just one among many cases where queer people, whether students or faculty, have been harassed on campuses across the country:  

g_b Premanand Gajvi and Prince

2010-04-15 Thread Vikram D
Shanta Gokhale's column in Mumbai Mirror suggests that Premanand Gajvi's new play Dam It, Anu Gore has a lead character who is a lesbian or bisexual, and that this detail is added as part of an attempt to satirize her. That, at least, is my reading of her description in the column. Has anyone

g_b Rahul Mehta's Quarantine

2010-04-19 Thread Vikram D
Random House is just about to launch a collection of short stories called 'Quarantine by Rahul Mehta, a new Indian-American writer. Mehta is gay and most of the stories in the collection touch on the experience of young gay Indian-American men.   I've been reading the collection this last

g_b Archie to get a gay character?

2010-04-22 Thread Vikram D
That's the news that some gay sites are posting. This is apparently from an interview of a long term artist of the Archies comics. Here's the link:   http://www.feastoffun.com/videos/2010/04/19/archie-comic-new-gay-teen-character-interview-with-writer-and-artist-dan-parent/   I have to say I

g_b Elton John's letter to Ryan White

2010-04-23 Thread Vikram D
Elton John's moving letter to Ryan White, the American teenager whose struggles with AIDS, which ended with his death 20 years ago, helped educate and wake up people to the realities of the disease. If you don't know his story, here it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_White     Dear Ryan,

g_b from HT: How typical of Amma

2010-06-05 Thread Vikram D
From HT today, Ashok's wonderful tribute to his mother:    How typical of Amma Ashok Row Kavi, Hindustan Times New Delhi, June 03, 2010   How typical of Amma. Just when her crazy boy started packing for a much-awaited wicked waltz on the Malabar coast, she went and changed the agenda. Even as my

g_b two stories on rejection and acceptance

2010-06-07 Thread Vikram D
Two stories, one international and depressing from The Economist. It looks increasingly like the Delhi High Court decision was the exception in a tide of homophobia in the developing world. To balance that a personal story from Bala on the Movenpick list on how patient dialogue with a family

g_b sexuality and the workplace

2010-06-19 Thread Vikram D
Hi everyone. I've started getting a few responses to the questionnaire on sexuality and the workplace, and the changes, if any, that have happened since the Naz Foundation verdict last year.   I have also started getting interesting responses from HR managers, and I think there is definitely a

g_b QAM presents a Marathi panel discussion on same sex marriage

2011-01-27 Thread Vikram D
As part of the events to mark QAM's Pride march this year we are organising a panel discussion in Marathi on same sex marriage. This discussion links to the main reason for the March this year - to call for the constitutional rights that all other Indian citizens have, among which is a right to

g_b Parents fight for their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children

2011-02-07 Thread Vikram D
The petition from the 19 parents of lgbt kids. This is easily the most moving one, and I sincerely hope the bench pays special attention to this one:     Parents fight for their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children: plead that criminalizing them destroys families   February 7, 2011  

g_b Academics Support Delhi High Court Decision in Section 377 Case

2011-02-07 Thread Vikram D
This is the press release for the petition from 16 senior, highly respected academics (full list given at the end) supporting the Delhi High Court decision in the S.377 case:     Academics Support Delhi High Court Decision in Section 377 Case   February 7, 2011   In a petition that has just

g_b S.377 case developments today - voices of civil society come out in support of Delhi High Court verdict

2011-02-07 Thread Vikram D
This is to inform everyone on these lists that there has been a significant development in the S.377 case in the Supreme Court today.   All the final applications for interventions by parties interested in the Delhi High Court verdict came up before a bench comprising of Justices Singhvi and

g_b Shyam Benegal Opposes the Criminalization of Homosexuality

2011-02-07 Thread Vikram D
I have collated the press releases for the interventions from civil society in support of the Delhi High Court verdict, and I'll post them here, starting with Shyam Benegal's:     Shyam Benegal Opposes the Criminalization of Homosexuality   February 7, 2011   Shyam Benegal is a prolific Indian

g_b Mental Health Professionals oppose Criminalization of Homosexuality

2011-02-07 Thread Vikram D
This last press release is the intervention from senior mental health professionals who have come together to oppose the criminalisation of homosexuality. With so much rubbish in the opposing petitions on the psychological effects of homosexuality, it is really important to get these opinions

g_b from The Economist: an obituary for David Kato

2011-02-11 Thread Vikram D
A beautifully written, tragic obituary for David Kato. We must never forget - at some primal level this is what our opponents want for us:     Obituary: David Kato David Kato Kisule, a gay campaigner in Uganda, died on January 26th, aged 46 Feb 10th 2011   TO THE 935 pupils at St Herman Nkoni

g_b two stories

2011-02-22 Thread Vikram D
Two stories that touch on the complexities of gender and sexuality, with people who don't fall into neat categories.   The first, from a mother with a 'girly' son, is really moving for the level of understanding she has brought to her child's life and the way she is trying to bring that

g_b a small sign of change

2011-02-22 Thread Vikram D
This report from Rex Wockner's news update is interesting because of the voting pattern on this issue about whether to give ILGA (the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) consultative status at the UN. The motion failed, but in the column of countries voting to

g_b (unknown)

2011-02-23 Thread Vikram D
Just putting down some thoughts and possible points of action following the vile episode broadcast by TV9 Telugu on how gay culture was booming in Hyderabad.     This has been taken down from YouTube - congratulations to everyone who went online to make sure YouTube yanked it - but a

g_b Protest against TV9 Telugu on 25th Feb.

2011-02-24 Thread Vikram D
United against TV9 - Peaceful Protest on 25th Feb 2011   TV9's slanderous and malicious story of gaymen of Hyderabad and Planet Romeo is a wake up call for the LGBTI community to make sure we don't let the media or any individual invade on our personal rights for dignity and privacy   Join us

g_b English cricketer comes out

2011-03-01 Thread Vikram D
Steven Davies, a top English cricketer, has come out. What's almost as good is how well this has been received by the English cricketing establishment: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/cricket/8350779/Steven-Davies-England-cricketer-announces-he-is-gay.html 

g_b GB presents a meet on Queer-Straight Alliances

2011-03-18 Thread Vikram D
We sometimes get queries from gays and lesbians who want to come for our meets asking us if its OK to bring their straight friends along. Our response is that our meets our open to everyone who respects the space (unless for some reason its particularly specified as a restricted meet, like the

g_b on Kallenbach

2011-04-04 Thread Vikram D
Given the furore about the allegations made of Gandhi's bisexuality and relationship with Hermann Kallenbach in Lelyveld's new book, I thought there might be some interest in these two articles I wrote for the Times of India's Crest edition last Saturday. The first and shorter one is about

g_b on Gandhians vs.Churchillians

2011-04-04 Thread Vikram D
This is the larger article I did on the Gandhi issue, looking at the possible motives of Andrew Roberts, the reviewer whose misrepresentations of Lelyveld's book are what are fuelling most of the furore:   GANDHI VS CHURCHILL The reviewer of the latest biography is a Churchill groupie and that

g_b Supreme Court hearing deferred till after summer break

2011-04-19 Thread Vikram D
The Supreme Court took up the 377 case today - and promptly rescheduled the hearings till after the summer break, which means sometime in July.   Nothing much to be inferred from this. It was always likely, given that the Court is really busy and has a lot to finish before the summer break

g_b (unknown)

2011-05-25 Thread Vikram D
Dr.Kaushik Basu, the chief economic adviser to the government of India has just launched a collection of his writings entitled An Economist's Miscellany. Its a collection of his writings, journalism and a couple of translations, with a mix between economics and policy related paper, and more

g_b Times Crest for July 2 anniversary

2011-07-02 Thread Vikram D
Today's edition of Times Crest, the Times of India's weekend paper, has a cover story and a bunch of other stories to mark the second anniversary of the Delhi High Court decision decriminalising homosexuality in India. Here's the link, I think the stories can be accessed over Facebook or by

g_b from Granta 114: Mark Gevisser on marriage in the new South Africa

2011-08-07 Thread Vikram D
My friend Mark Gevisser, a brilliant South African writer, has put up on his website the piece he wrote for the Granta issue on outsiders where he examines what it was like being gay in apartheid South Africa through the lives of two coloured gay men. It is a wonderful piece, really worth

g_b congratulations to Anand Grover

2011-08-17 Thread Vikram D
Congratulations are due to Anand Grover who has just been designated senior counsel in the Bombay High Court. Anand is, of course, very well known to anyone in the queer community who has come for the Queer Azaadi March in Mumbai, needed urgent legal advice on matters related to discrimination

g_b It happened one night

2011-10-04 Thread Vikram D
This account of the Oshiwara party raid has been forwarded to me with the suggestion I post it on the mailing lists. It is very well written and moving, while also giving tips on what not to do - this guy's attempt to run away was perhaps natural, but also rather dumb and he was lucky not to

g_b Day 4 report... will take some time

2012-02-22 Thread Vikram D
This is just a quick mail to note that today was Day 4 of the 377 case hearings in the Supreme Court and quite a lot of time, around four hours, was given to the case. The counsel for the Delhi Commission on Child Welfare continued to speak right through, and the Bench posed a lot of questions

g_b likely misreporting of SC proceedings.

2012-02-23 Thread Vikram D
Please could everyone note urgently that there seems to be a lot of confusion flowing from what is happening in court today. Several channels are carrying reports that the Ministry of Home Affairs has opposed the Delhi High Court verdict and has asked for the continued criminalisation of

g_b from 2008: PM's statement on homosexuals

2012-02-23 Thread Vikram D
Since there seems to be a lot of confusion emanating from Delhi on the government's views on the 377 case, I thought it might be useful to post this report about an event where the PM clearly stated the need to support groups like homosexuals against social prejudice.   This was from 2008, the

g_b The Bowers vs Hardwick moment

2012-02-24 Thread Vikram D
In yesterday's arguments in court the one really interesting, perhaps loaded moment was a brief exchange between the Bench and assistant solicitor-general PP Malhotra, who was in the midst of his attack on the Naz decision, acting on his quite misguided assumption that this was the Ministry of

g_b apologies and (partial) update

2012-03-01 Thread Vikram D
First, apologies to everyone for not being able to post updates on the 377 case this week. The reasons are both personal and general and I'll do my best to rectify them. For the record, the case was heard over Tuesday (28/2), Wednesday (29/2) and Thursday (1/3) and now is on hold for 10 days

g_b Supreme Court hearings for Naz case on Tuesday 28/2/2012

2012-03-05 Thread Vikram D
As I had posted earlier last week I was not able to post reports on the proceedings partly because I was out of town and partly because once it became clear that the judges were speeding up the case and our opponents would soon have finished speaking, most of the people on our side became

g_b Lawrence, Khairati and the relevance of real lives

2012-03-08 Thread Vikram D
With the Supreme Court hearing the 377 case there has been a lot of talk, in the Court, and outside as well, about Lawrence vs.Texas, the case that decriminalised consensual same sex relations between adults in the US. We are now where Lawrence was when it was being argued, and the question is

g_b the last three days in Court

2012-03-16 Thread Vikram D
Apologies for not posting reports about the last three days hearings on the 377 case in the Supreme Court. (The case is heard on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Ironically this is because, for the first time, I've been in court myself, rather than receiving reports from others who have been in

g_b Attorney-General says government supports Naz verdict!

2012-03-21 Thread Vikram D
FINALLY!   I heard this from the Court about an hour back and this Times report now confirms it. The Attorney-General Ghoolam Vahanvati has finally confirmed that the government of India has no objections to the Delhi High Court verdict:  

g_b GoI supports Naz verdict - update

2012-03-21 Thread Vikram D
Nothing very much more to add at the moment. Its been evident for a while that the GoI is OK with the Naz India verdict, but didn't want to have to say this openly. But ironically it looks like its hand was forced by ASG Malhotra during these hearings when he got up and repeated all the stuff

g_b clarification - 377 verdict is still distant and uncertain

2012-03-21 Thread Vikram D
Some of the mails and messages I've been getting in response to the news that the GoI is supporting the Naz verdict seem to suggest that people imagine we have won in the Supreme Court.   I wish it was that simple.   The GoI's support is important and a bit of a breakthrough, but it certainly

g_b from ET: The Supreme Court meets Section 377

2012-03-24 Thread Vikram D
My article from ET today on the Supreme Court hearing the 377 case. No new information for people on these lists, but a sense of what being in the SC is like. This is from the main paper, and it should be up on my ET blog soon: 

g_b Supreme Court reserves its judgment

2012-03-28 Thread Vikram D
Finally this Tuesday morning, around 12.30, the Supreme Court hearings in the 377 case came to an end.  After the arguments from our side wound up last week the procedure is that the opposing parties, who are the petitioners in this case (since it is an appeal against the Delhi High Court

g_b uplifting!

2012-04-05 Thread Vikram D
A wonderful clip - this is what Youtube exists for! It shows a long term gay couple who aren't afraid to show the depth of their love for each other by dancing on TV, in front of one of Britain's top shows. If this link doesn't work, just google Youtube and Sugar Dandies - you won't regret it:

g_b how one mother changed

2012-04-05 Thread Vikram D
In the run-up to the GB Parents Meet later this month, here's a story worth reading about how one mother confronted her deepest prejudices and changed when her son came out to her:   http://www.danoah.com/2012/04/a-teens-brave-response-to-im-christian-unless-youre-gay.html   (Perhaps I shouldn't

g_b need for testing

2012-04-07 Thread Vikram D
Guys, this is a general message I am putting out after encountering a couple of cases in the last few months of gay or bi guys who have tested positive in circumstances when they were not expecting it.     In both cases, not being prepared for this has greatly complicated the ways in which

g_b Archie and Alison

2012-04-19 Thread Vikram D
For the gay comic geeks on these lists - I can't be the only one around.   First, there's a wonderful bit of news. Alison Bechdel's new graphic novel is out in May. For anyone who's read and loved her Dykes to Watch Out For series, and then read Fun Home, her truly remarkable graphic novel

g_b thanking Anjali

2012-04-19 Thread Vikram D
It is absolutely fantastic to see Anjali Gopalan on this year's Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People list!     A lot of people will be going 'who?' and a lot of people in Bengal will be going 'huh? she scores higher than Didi?' (Lets just hope that the Trinamul doesn't throw a tantrum

g_b TJ and Amal

2012-04-21 Thread Vikram D
After first round of comic geekery with Archie and Alison Bechdel, here's round two with an online gay comic strip I recently discovered - do others know of it?   Please be warned, if you are at all inclined towards comic geekery, then only click on the link below if you are willing to waste

g_b Thanking Anjali - at Orinam.net

2012-04-25 Thread Vikram D
The Orinam website has been kind enough to post my mail about Anjali Gopalan on their website. There's space for comments below, and it would be nice if people could consider using this to thank Anjali directly or if they have any memories of dealing with her during all these years, to post a

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