On 2/21/2024 10:57 AM, Robin Dapp wrote:

For calling-convention-*.c, LGTM but one nit about change log. Take
**Update** here may make others not easy to learn what you did about
the file. You can say similar to "Rearrange and adjust the
asm-checker times" or likewise. Of course, you can refine the
changelog when commit.
* gcc.target/riscv/rvv/autovec/vls/calling-convention-1.c: update

Yes, agreed,  changes LGTM but please refine the commit message
slightly.  The first letter should also be capitalized I believe.

The rest of the is already ACK'ed so I believe it's good to go now.
I didn't pay a lot of attention to the other commit messages.
In case they need refining you can do that still.

Thanks! I updated the changelogs and committed.


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