After passing 72 hours of voting, I tallied the vote and the proposal to 
Oozie as an Apache Incubator project has passed.

The summary of vote is as follows:

* 9 +1's from IPMC members.
* 10 +1 from non-binding 
* No -1 
* No 0

Binding +1 votes (9):

Doug Cutting
Tom White
Alan D Cabrera
Bertrand Delacretaz
Mohammad Nour El-Din
Robert Burrell Donkin
Chris Douglas
Nigel Daley
Chris Mattmann

Non-Binding +1 votes (10):
Eric Sammer
Jonathan Hsieh
Chao Wang
Ahmed Redwan
Mayank Bansal
Roman Shaposhnik
Arvind Pravhakar
Alejandro Abdelnur
Edward J Yoon

Thanks everyone who participated.

Mohammad Islam

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