Hi Santosh,

To build offline, you should download the target repo you need to local 
machine. This can be done via rsync.
Then modify the repo url in your .gbs.conf to point to the local path like "url 
= /home/localrepo/".
You also need to use gbs "-D" option to build the package using your local 
build conf. For Tizen 2.2, you can download the build conf from 
Anyway, I haven't tried it out yet. Above is what I can think of.

From: general-boun...@lists.tizen.org [mailto:general-boun...@lists.tizen.org] 
On Behalf Of Santosh Nayak
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 7:58 PM
To: general@lists.tizen.org
Subject: [Tizen General] tizen offline build


I'm building tizen 2.2 from as per the instructions 

First time build was successful by connecting to internet.

Next time i'm trying to build from local repository without connecting to 
internet(I removed already built SRPMS and RPMS) .

But i'm getting error to build certatin packages without connecting to internet 
which were successful in the first iteration. Why this is happening? I need to 
have a successful build with local sources without connecting to net.



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