C. Bergström wrote:
> I'm trying to really clean up my cluster deployment and while looking at
> GFS came across this.
> http://people.redhat.com/rkenna/gfs-deploy-tool/html.doc/
> My first thoughts are of course switching out the dependency to pull
> rpms from the rh network to PORTAGE_BINHOST.. I'm hoping to find the
> time within the next 30 days to port this to Gentoo.  If anyone is
> interested in contributing or the results let me know.  Also any
> feedback from those using GFS is most appreciated.

Your work would be most valuable if you could change the code to have
distro-dependent plugins or directories, with a setting controlled by
some sort of configure flag. That way, we could get your changes back
upstream and also allow other distros, such as Debian/Ubuntu, to start
using it.


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