On Wednesday, 31 January 2024 21:30:56 GMT Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 1:42 PM Wols Lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> wrote:
> > On 31/01/2024 17:56, Rich Freeman wrote:
> > > I don't think there are
> > > any RAID implementations that do full write journaling to protect
> > > against the write hole problem, but those would obviously underperform
> > > zfs as well.
> > 
> > This feature has been added to mdraid, iirc.
> Oh, it looks like it has.  Kind of annoying that it only works for a
> separate device.  I guess you could create a separate partition on all
> of the devices, create a mirror across all of those, and then use that
> as the journal for the real raid.  It would be nice if it had an
> option for an internal journal.
> I'd expect the performance of btrfs/zfs to be better of course because
> it just does the write to known-unused blocks, so interrupted writes
> don't cause any issues.  Depending on how far it gets when interrupted
> the write will be ignored (it is just data written into unused space),
> or will get completed (the root of the metadata was updated and now
> points to a consistent new state).

I have been running BTRFS on a system for just over 10 years now, on SSD and 
spinning SATA drives.  I recall the odd glitch (file corruption, but no data 
lost) some 7 or 8 years ago.  Since then I've had no problems.  A second 
system on BTRFS has been running since last summer and had some hard reboots 
(I need a bigger UPS) but still no problem with it.  Subjectively and 
anecdotally therefore, I'd consider BTRFS for Linux as long as long as the use 
case requires it - ease of snapshots, flexible space requirements, 
compression, etc.  Known problems like RAID 5, 6 and perhaps quotas(?) on 
BTRFS are for experimentation only.  On FreeBSD I use ZFS.

For a personal filesystem where data does not change frequently I'd probably 
choose ext4.

[Slightly O/T]: On a new laptop installation on SSD I'm thinking of trying 
F2FS for the OS and ext4 for /home.  I've only tried F2FS on USB sticks so 
far.  Would you have some feedback to share on F2FS?

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