
I'm new to Gentoo. I come from FreeBSD. I have to run Gentoo in this particular case because I need an asterisk box and asterisk runs better on Linux than FreeBSD.

That being said, I must say that I am very impressed with Gentoo. It's far superior to RedHat, which was the last Linux experience I had.

What I'm looking for is freebsd equivalent features in Gentoo. There are three that I'm really looking for:

1) periodic(8) -- run periodic system functions. runs daily, weekly, monthly and security scripts. These scripts do everything from check rejected emails to backing up the passwd file. It's also got a local facility where I can put my own scripts in. It's run out of cron and emails the output of the periodic output nice and clean. I understand that I can manually manufacture the equivalent scripts, but I was hoping there was something similar out there.

2) pkg_version -- summarize installed versions of packages. Outputs what newer ports are available to what versions are actually installed. I've looked through the emerge and ebuild docs, but I can't find anything that operates the same way.

3) portaudit(1) -- system to check installed packages for known vulnerabilities.

Anyone know of any Gentoo equivalents and if not, what might be decent workarounds?
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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