Brian Beattie <beattie <at>> writes:

> I'm trying to do an "emerge -u world" and for about the past week it has
> been failing on "libgnomeui" with the following error: "failed to load
> "./stock_attach.png": Couldn't recognize the image file format for file
> './stock_attach.png'"
> Does anybody have a clue? hints?

I encountered this today, the way I fixed it is as follows (this may or may not
be the same problem you are seeing)

After gtk+ is compiled the program gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders is run to write out
/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders. This file tells gtk where to find the different
image decode libs. The problem is this step was failing, although emerge didn't
report an error, so you end up with gtk being unable to load png files.

gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders was looking for to run but I didn't have
that symlink. After creating it with cd /usr/lib; ln -s , gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders would run.

After fixing that I manually created the conf files:
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders >/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
gtk-query-immodules-2.0 >/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules

although it would probably be easier to just emerge gtk+ again after creating
the libbz2 symlink.

Might be worth trying to see if this fixes it for you too.

Steven Houston.

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