I hope someone here can help me with the following problem on the Linux environment Termux on
my Android phone.

My phone has not enough storage on the /data partition but lots of free space on my external SD card (adoptable storage) which contains an extfat (sdcardfs) file system which cannot be used
under Termux (Linux) except for storing plain data files.

Therefore I'd like to create a (big) file - say EXT.raw - there and mount it as a loop device.

Under root (tsu in Termux) this is not a problem, but I cannot access this new device as
non-root user in Termux.

I don't know SELinux, but I have to mount that loop device with the proper SELinux-context
to make it accessible as non-root user.

How can I do this (or any pointers to documentation on this).

Many thanks for a hint,

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