Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, I'm looking for advise.  What should I try before I just blow it all
> away and start over?  I REALLY would like to get my system
> restored/fixed, though.
> Any ideas would be most appreciated.

I have'nt seen something like that happen before.

You said grub could not identify fs on /dev/sda1/3.

Can you post the out put or check it like this:

<I'm  assuming sda1 is /boot>
  find (hd0,0)/kern<tab>

if you have something at /boot/kern*
pressing TAB like shown above will complete the name and show
that grub sees that partition.

  You could try (hd0,2)/<something you know is there>

  find (hd0,2)/bin/at<tab>
Should complete to attr if grub sees the partition.
You might get some kind of error too but check if the file name

If that stuff works, I'd try re-installing grub in the mbr of the
/boot partition /sda1.  In grub terms thats (hd0,0)

So it would be:

  root (hd0,0)
  setup (hd0,0)
  <grub outputs several lines of response>


Then reboot it and see what happens.

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