Gregory Shearman schrieb:
Marc Blumentritt wrote:

I have since 2 months a problem with my boot up splash. Splash is
working, but the init messages (like starting daemon foh ... [ok]) are
written an screen "above" (for lack of a better word) my splash. When
the messages reach the bottom of the screen, the splash is moving
upwards with every new line printed. When the messages reach "Starting
XDM" the screen is not switched to the 7th terminal, where X is running.
I have to switch manually by pressing alt-F7.

The problem is with your linuxrc file in the initrd (you are using genkernel to build your initrd, right?) There's a mistake in the section which parses the kernel command line so that it misses the CONSOLE=tty1 bit... causing it to write all over the splash screen.

There's already a bug report (#232012) on this filed in july and I've supplied information about how to work around this bug:

Let's hope the genkernel developers get the time to fix this.

Well thanks to point this out. Seems like it has been fixed. Now let's wait for the new version to get stable.


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