
I saw some of the recent threads about NetworkManager and other
alternatives, and I wanted to share about one I tried and have liked so
far: netctl[0]. It is specifically designed for systemd by ArchLinux, so
if you are using a different init system, sorry for the noise in your
inbox :)

It has very nice and easy to use config files that you can generate to
describe your network interfaces and their configs. For example, I have
an internal bridge interface that I configure like this:

Address6=('1234:567:8:9ab::c/64 nodad')

Once you've defined your interface files (one config per interface), you
simply type:

# netctl enable <file/interface name>

This ends up generating the appropriate systemd unit files for you and
enabling them. It's so easy and intuitive, so I thought it would be
worth sharing with the other systemd users out there. I have a slightly
"different than normal" network config[1], and I found it to be
difficult to figure out how to do what I wanted with NetworkManager. I'm
confident that it is possible with NM, but it was taking me too long to
learn how to do it, and during my searching I learned about netctl and
it looked easier to me.

Only downside so far is that it is still masked[2], so if you don't like
running unstable packages you'll have to wait.

[0] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/netctl
[1] It's not that complicated, but I've got a tunnelbroker.net virtual
interface, a DHCP'd WAN interface, and a bridge interface with a few
virtual nics and one real nic attached. I never really got it all
working with NM, though I can't remember for sure which pieces were
difficult (probably the tunnel?)
[2] https://packages.gentoo.org/package/net-misc/netctl

Randy Barlow

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