I have two backup drives which use LVM partitions and groups.  I also
have LVM partitions and groups on my main system.

When I try even vgscan on the backup disks, I get weird errors.  Read
errors, can't find the vg groups, can't write ... sort of works for
reading, but I wasn't interested in exploring a bad mount, and I am
not about to actually try backing up to it and possibly trash what is
there, or potentially used to be :-O

What makes me nervous is that gentoo ~amd64 has twice before botched
an LVM upgrade and caused some tense times while I got it back in
shape.  When the system won't even boot properly without a proper LVM,
it can raise my pulse ... I would rather keep this working system
running even tho it won't let me mount my backup drives.

My current LVM version is sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.67-r2, merged on 16 June.
I rebooted on 26 June (2.6.34-gentoo-r1) and backed up last weekend no
problems.  Seems like something else must have changed since them.
These are the only sys-*/ ones which seem likely ...



I see that sys-apps/util-linux-2.18 has failed:

     Failed Patch: util-linux-ng-2.17.1-20100308.diff

Does anyone have a clue for me?

            ... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
     Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman & rocket surgeon / fe...@crowfix.com
  GPG = E987 4493 C860 246C 3B1E  6477 7838 76E9 182E 8151 ITAR license #4933
I've found a solution to Fermat's Last Theorem but I see I've run out of room o

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