Hi there,
For a while now I've been using Mod_BW to limit bandwidth for a directory on
my website.  We have a residential ADSL line, and some files I'm hosting are
somewhat popular, leading to bandwidth usage and Internet slowness for the
rest of the household.  The bandwidth limiting for one directory is working
but not for another directory.  In this file, dectalk is being limited but
lchoice isn't.  Any idea why?
Here is the config file 11_mod_bw.conf in /etc/apache/modules.d

<IfDefine BW>
  <IfModule !mod_bw.c>
    LoadModule bw_module             modules/mod_bw.so

<IfModule mod_bw.c>
  # This must be turned on for mod_bandwidth to actually do anything
  # These directives can go inside a VirtualHost or Directory, etc...
  BandWidthModule On
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/htdocs
<Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/dectalk>
BandWidthModule On
BandWidth all 8192
<Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs/lchoice>
BandWidthModule On
BandWidth All 16384

  # Limit to 80KB/sec, with a minimum of 60KB/sec
  # BandWidth 196.168.0 80000
  # BandWidth 196.168.0 60000

  # Everyone else shares 50KB/sec
  Bandwidth all 20480

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