On Wednesday 12 September 2007 20:59:50 econti wrote:
> Hi all, it's me again.
> Above all, thank you everybody for the help . . .but now I am a little
> confused.
> Well, here is what I understood:

0. Resolve blockages.. :p

> 1 - first of all: to upgrade gcc following what explained here ->
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/change-chost.xml

This guide isn't for upgrading gcc. Do you really need to change your CHOST? 
If you do be careful when following the above guide since it has the 
potential to break your system bad enough that you'll have to reinstall if 
you aren't careful..

This is for gcc upgrades only:


> 2 - to upgrade xorg (but I have not been able to find any usefull doc.
> Could you give any link, please?)


> 3 - to upgrade the remaining pakages
> 4 - to install the new kernel
> 5 - to change profile
> How many mistakes did I do?
> P.S. I did not understand the expat matter. ;-(

expat had an ABI bump which requires all programs that link against it to be 
rebuilt. That's a lot of programs... revdep-rebuild is supposed to take care 
of this but since you're going to rebuild everything anyway (due to the gcc 
upgrade and possibly the chost change) this won't really matter to you..

Bo Andresen

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