On Friday 17 February 2006 21:44, Jarry wrote:
> I'm having also problems with php installation/upgrade:
> I need php, php-cgi, php_mod and phpmyadmin. Impossible!
> mod_php/php-cgi is still in 4.x version, it installs php
> 4.x,  and I can not install phpmyadmin because it wants php5.
> And php can not be upgraded from 4.x to 5.x, because it is
> needed/blocked by php-cgi and mod_php. How to get out of this?

dev-lang/php is a replacement for dev-php/php-cgi,mod_php,php

dev-lang/php uses USE flags to decide which SAPI's have to be build.
USE="cgi apache2" emerge dev-lang/php
This would merge the php-cgi and mod_php for apache2.

You'll have to set at least one SAPI.
Remember to build dev-lang/php with the same USE flags as you used on mod_php 
and php-cgi.
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