On 2017-08-30, R0b0t1 <r03...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A decade was about how long I expect my i7-4770k based system to last,
> assuming I have absolutely no money to upgrade before then.

My Monochrome 8MHz IBM AT has lasted 32 years.

Of course I've upgraded/replaced the hard drive(s) a dozen or so
times, the mother board a half dozen times, the case 4 or 5 times, the
power supply a half-dozen times, the video card 3-4 times, and the
monitor 4 times.  It's also been through a half-dozen or so different
brands of Linux starting with Yggdrasil in 1992. [Before that it ran
the Mark Williams Coherent v7 Unix clone.]

The original keyboard is still going strong!

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Should I get locked
                                  at               in the PRINCICAL'S
                              gmail.com            OFFICE today -- or have
                                                   a VASECTOMY??

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