I upgraded to KDE 5 recently, and was using LightDM as the display manager. It seems that KDE 5 prefers SDDM though and offers a config module for it in System Settings.

So I installed SDDM. However, when I log in with SDDM, I get no sound. My sound card just... disappears. "alsamixer -c0" says:

  invalid card index: 0".

"aplay -l" says:

  aplay: device_list:268: no soundcards found...

Even if I disable pulseaudio, there's still no ALSA cards found.

When I ctrl+alt+F1 to a console and log in there, there's no problem. My sound card is found. But in a KDE session started with SDDM, nope. No sound card (and thus, no sound.)

Works just fine with LightDM.

I'm on ~amd64 with gentoo-sources-4.1.2, pulseaudio-6.0. KDE 5 is installed from portage (kde-plasma/plasma-meta). Any help?

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