Hi Lists,

I have recently made some plans out of my ideas about the bugday
project. They have ended up in a forum thread[1] in the userrep forum.
Feel free to comment on it or contact me directly or any of my team
members if you have any questions about this. We are hanging around in
#Gentoo-Bugs on Freenode.

There has happened some minor chances in the bugday team. Kloeri
announced that I had taken over control and after that I added two new
members to my little team.  We have got Stephen Bennet (spb) and Peter
Weller (welp) as our new team members. Welcome to both of you ;)

Stephen is going to help our users with ideas about how to fix different
kind of bugs and Peter is going to take care of arranging the events
together with me. Which means he will have to contact our userreps and
our upcoming bugday helpers from time to time.

I have also created a bug[2] on bugzilla, which is going to be used by
YOU people. I would be really happy if when you had something you would
think our users would be able to help fixing, then post the bugid to
that bug and I will update our website[3] so the users will be able to
see it at our next bugdays.

Next bugday will be on the 6'th of January 2007.

Best regards,

[1] https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-522662.html
[2] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157807
[3] http://bugday.gentoo.org

Alexander Færøy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo/MIPS, Gentoo/Alpha, User relations and Bugday.

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