At Tue, 12 Jul 2005 00:21:24 +0200 Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Allan Gottlieb schreef:
>> The key seems to be having gstreamer in the USE variable.
>>> I had this problem as well and i re-emerged gnome-panel and it went
>>>On Sun, 2005-07-10 at 14:16 -0400, Allan Gottlieb wrote:
>>>>I just installed a new stage1 gentoo with gnome-2.10.
>>>>It keeps complaining that
>>>>   The panel encountered a problem while loading
>>>>   "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet".
> In that case, make sure to run
> gstreamer-properties
> to make sure the gstreamer backend is properly configured.

That actually was set correctly.  Once I installed gstreamer and
joined the audio group, all was well.  The only somewhat non obvious
part was that you need the gstreamer USE variable.

Thanks for your help.
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