Hi, Everyone!

I would like to consult you about the web forums you use for your web sites.

Several years passed since I last installed such a thing. In those times my 
was Ikonboard and I was running Slackware. Now I see Ikonboard has changed into
Invision Power Board and is not free anymore. My next try was phpBB, but its so
hardly masked for security reasons that I'm afraid to use it. So how come on the
other hand the official gentoo forums site ( http://forums.gentoo.org/ ) is 
exactly phpBB!?

I tried "forum" for search-word in eix, nut it gives me back nothing but:
1)fortune-mod-gentoo-forums :))
2) net-zope/cmfforum;Description: Makes it easy to install cmf/plone product

Please, share some experience about how you, guys, deal with forums in Gentoo.

Best regards,

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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