Hi everybody,

strange... i changed the theme to "high contrast" logged out (i restarted my machine) and just recently logged in.

And keepassxc 2.6.0 works without any problems. nothing is broken ....


best, Tamer

On 2020-07-10 13:17, Tamer Higazi wrote:
Hi Neil,

Which Theme for xfce do I have to use ?
Or, what additional packages do I have to install ?

I tried now different themes, the result remains the same.

These are in XFCE:

menu -> settings -> appearance

there i have all the themes listed.....

best, Tamer

On 2020-07-10 13:08, Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jul 2020 11:56:26 +0200, Tamer Higazi wrote:

Hi Victor,

I am on XFCE, Version 4.14

This is only with version 2.6.0, the version before (2.5.4) is rendered
The theming and appearance has changed significantly for 2.6.0 so it
could well be a theme issue that did not previously affect KeePassXC.

best, Tamer

On 2020-07-10 11:53, Victor Ivanov wrote:
This is most curious. Under KDE Plasma version 2.6.0 works flawlessly.
What DE are you using?

Have you tried to force one of the other themes under "View > Theme"?
By default it will try to use your desktop environment's current


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