Hi -

(I posted this on gentoo-perl in error - am reposting
here - sorry)

I'm developing some ebuild scripts, and came across
a problem. I have enabled tests and when an ebuild
test fails, it is not dieing but going adhead and doing
the install.

In the src_test function, I have:

make test || die "test failed"


make test
einfo "make test returns ${rc}"
[ ${rc} -eq 0 ] || die "test failed"

which displays '0' and continues.

Also tried with '/usr/bin/make test', same problem.

If I 'manually' (not within the portage system) run make test,
a code ($?) of 2 is returned.

Is there some portage magic going on that I don't understand?

Aloha => Beau;

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