I tried to emerge wine yesterday. 

If I tried using gcc3.4.5, the compilation proceeds fine but the
resulting binary segfaults on loading. 

Then I tried gcc3.3.5, and the compile worked, and the binary works. 

I did a quick search of b.g.o and didn't see it mentioned. Is this a
known issue (did it happen to you?) or is it something screwed up with
gcc over here on my box?

FWIW, I am running on the hardened profile, and I did update chpax to
include all the wine binaries (else they fail not from a segfault, but
from being killed by the kernel mprotect). So I doubt that is the
cause of the problem. 

"So, 'peri' means closest, and 'ap' means farthest. The greeks applied these 
terms to the heavenly bodies; 'perijove' is the closest distance to jupiter, 
'aphelion' is the farthest distance from the sun, 'pericrone' is the farthest 
distance from neptune, and so forth. Many of you may feel this way about 
certain special people; some days you're close to them, other days you're very 
far away. You could equally well apply these prefixes to such a situation..."
~DeathMech, S. Sondhi. P-town PHY 205
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