Rich Freeman had the right clue.

Some time ago, after successfully installing zfs, I changed root's
umask to 0027.  This had the effect of changing the permissions on
/lib/modules/X.Y.Z-gentoo to drwxr-x--- on a subsequent kernel
upgrade.  This prevents emerge (once it switches to user:group
portage:portage) from being able to explore the contents of
/lib/modules/X.Y.Z-gentoo.  Unfortunately for me, spl's configure
script locates the current kernel source by following the
/lib/modules/X.Y.Z-gentoo/build soft link.  And it couldn't do that
with the overly restrictive umask.  The solution was simple: eliminate
the 0027 umask for root, and chmod o+rx /lib/modules/X.Y.Z-gentoo.

Thanks for all the suggestions.  They all helped.

John Blinka

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