
I asked the openbox mailing list before but still get no answer...

I am using openbox (I came from icewm, but this project seems to
be in hibernation state).

I am using blender a lot. When blender is doing its rendering task
I am switching to another desktop doing different things.
When Blender finished, its rendering window appears on the desktop
I am currently on AND the blender main panel jumps also to this 
This converts the sense of multiple desktops into its opposite.

Then I installed devilspie: Now Blender and its child window always
starts on desktop 2 -- even if I want to start more then one instance
of blender, which again is different from the flexibility multiple
desktops offer to the user.

Openbox seems to offer an similiar possibility, but the blender
windows were not recognized by that mechanism.

Is there any way to bind child windows of an application to the
desktop, where there parent windows were started and NOT to a 
certain fixed desktop?

Thank you very much for any help in advance!
Keep hacking!

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In a world without fences and walls nobody needs gates and windows.

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