Alright, so...

I haven't mentioned it up until now because I didn't feel it would have any
bearing on the problem, but the installation in question is a VirtualBox
guest operating system running on a Windows host.

Since I didn't have any particular attachment to the installation, I
decided to fdisk and start from scratch.  I did this and got the barest
most basic Gentoo installation up and running.  After I had done this, I
realized that I had forgotten to add net.eth0 to default.  I did so,
rebooted, and sure enough, net.eth0 did not start.

I then went and meditated under a tree for a while, because it seemed the
world had finally turned its back on me.

After this, I said 'what the hell' and tried out a few things.  One of the
things I tried was to rebuild openrc.  For whatever reason, this worked.

I'm going to try this on another installation of VirtualBox on another
machine and try to reproduce it, but I'm still a little in the dark.  This
installation was built using the latest minimal install iso, latest stage3
and latest portage snapshot.

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