On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 04:55:37PM -0600, Brandon Vargo wrote

> The old poppler ebuilds (dev-libs/poppler*) were reunited and became
> app-text/poppler awhile back. The old poppler ebuilds should not be
> referenced anywhere, but apparently they still are on your system
> somewhere. Try remerging app-text/poppler manually (using --oneshot, so
> it isn't added to world), then running revdep-rebuild again. 
> Make sure you have run emerge --sync recently, so that the portage cache
> is up to date and any global updates have been applied. You could also
> try removing the revdep-rebuild cache files
> in /var/cache/revdep-rebuild/, but according to the output you included,
> the package atoms are not coming from the cache.

  Thank you very much.  That problem has been taken care of.  I last
updated my backup machine a few weeks ago, which is why it has ancient
stuff on it.  There's a lot of stuff in /var/log/portage/elog to plow
through.  I wonder what other problems I'll discover.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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