Remy Blank schreef:
> Holly Bostick wrote:
>> And the drivers build and install fine... then this:
>> |>>> Safely unmerging already-installed instance... <snip> ==>---
>> cfgpro obj /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r4/video/fglrx.ko ==>---
>> cfgpro dir /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r4/video ==>--- cfgpro dir
>> /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r4 <snip> Switching to ati OpenGL
>> interface... done |>>> original instance of package unmerged
>> safely. Switching to ati OpenGL interface... done
>> So the rebuild process has *removed* the kernel modules for what
>> will be the previous kernel when I reboot
> I don't think so. "cfgpro" means the modules are *not* removed on 
> unmerge. Have a look, they should still be there. At least, they are
> on my machines, although I don't use module-rebuild but a custom
> script (a one-liner, actually). I have always had the messages as you
> describe above, and the modules have always stayed around. If they
> don't, then something is wrong with your configuration.
> It's kinda the same as /etc on unmerge. The files just stick around.
> -- Remy

Thank you, Remy-- you're right:

la /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r4/video/
totaal 317
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     72 nov  7 18:00 .
drwxr-xr-x  6 root root    496 nov  7 18:30 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 321951 nov  7 18:00 fglrx.ko

OK, so I'm panicking over nothing, which is good to know, but now I'm a
little P.O.'d that I should have had *cause* to panic (I've gotta be a
bit P.O'd about something, since I've made a fool of myself ;-) ).

Seems to me that someone even less technically adept than I am (and I'm
not really all that, after all), could really lose their cool under
these circumstances, all because of that little cfgpro that they might
not know what it means, even if they saw it.

I'm really glad to know that the files are not in fact removed, but I
have this feeling that it should have been clearer that they really
weren't removed, despite the fact that that section of the operation was
removing files. Ah well, I know Portage isn't perfect, but it usually
doesn't scare the pants off me just during normal operation like that
(which tends to scare me more than just normal Portage scary-stuff).

Anyway, thanks again.

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