Arnau Bria wrote:
> I solved it adding next at top of rules:
> -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -p udp -j ACCEPT

While the first line is mostly harmless (well, even that's not really
true, but let's keep it simple), the second line opens your firewall to
*all* incoming UDP packets, and therefore effectively disables your
firewall for UDP services.

I don't know if you have another line of defense before your iptables
firewall (e.g. a router/firewall). If you don't, you expose yourself to
serious trouble.

In general, my advice would be not to build your own iptables firewall
ruleset unless you have *very good* knowledge about IP protocols. Use
one of the firewall builder tools like shorewall [1] or firestarter [2].

-- Remy


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