I've searched bugzilla, the forums, google and I can't find anything that helps although I've tried several things.

I have installed a system from stage 1 and have it running. I emerged the nvidia-kernel and glx drivers and set up xorg.conf. Xorg.conf works with the nv driver and works with the nvidia driver. I can startx fine (I am booting to default command line right now and then run startx) and I get my X display and xfce4 running. However, when I exit xfce4 and go back to the console the screen is black and I can never get it to display. I am using vesafg-tng - no rivafb. I have agpgart as a module.

I remember a thread on it but can't find it and can't remember what the problem was. The crazy thing is that this system worked before with nvidia and the same card. I had to do a rebuild due to disk problems.

I tried the stable and the ~x86 nvidia-* also.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Brett I. Holcomb
Registered Linux User #188143
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