On 2020-04-18 14:56, tu...@posteo.de wrote:

> Then I installed media-plugins/alsaequal, which installs fine.


> Starting for example 'alsamixer -D equal' results in an error:
> Invalid CTL equal
> cannot open mixer: No such file or directory
> [1]    5304 exit 1     alsamixer -D equal

I have used alsaequal for a number of years, and I even wrote some
tooling around it.  If I remember correctly my work had to do with the
fact that on Debian, which I was using at the time, the alsaequal
settings had to be per-user and not global due to the permission scheme
used for mpd(1).  Or maybe the other way around.  If you're curious, and
lucky, google may still find it.

Then at some point, and possibly at the point of switching to Gentoo, I
started getting an error, and I think it looked just like your error.  I
traced it down to the guts and it looked like an incompatibility between
alsaequal (which was already unmaintained for years at that point) and a
change in the LADSPA API.  Looked hopeless.

I played with the idea of a JACK based equalizer just like the
suggestions you are getting here, but never really followed through
because I only need an equalizer for my personal music listening anyway,
so it is natural to do in the music player.

In any case, alsaequal should be removed from Gentoo.  It is broken, and
it seems nobody knows how to fix it.


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