On 2020-12-27, Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 09:53:27AM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote
>> I understand why someone used to GRUB would want to continue with
>> it on a UEFI system, but you have no experience of it so why are
>> you picking the boot manager that is hardest to configure, not to
>> mention the most bloated?
>> Referencing your sig, GRUB is the desktop environment of boot
>> managers, the boot loader equivalent of emacs :)
> I believe grub only has to be set up once, unless you often change
> boot drives, etc.  If it's "set it and forget it" for a single-user,
> single hard-drive system, I'm OK with a one-time complex set-up.

Grub itself isn't complex to set up if you just create a grub.cfg file
manually. Doing that is trivial. My config files typically range from
5 lines (single kernel) to 20 lines (a couple different
kernels). What's complex is the auto-magical, AI-driven,
devs-know-better-thab-you grub configuration generator systems that
various distros use to generate config files that are hundreds of
lines long and yet refuse to do what you want.


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