On 12/11/2014 07:12 AM, cov...@ccs.covici.com wrote:
> Hi.  In my usual world update portage asked me to emerge
> x11-wm/clutter-3.14.2  as I am using the gnome overlay.

<very big snip>

> -I/usr/include/clutter-1.0

<another big snip>

I'm just speculating because I don't know the answer to your problem, but
regular portage knows nothing about the window manager named clutter but
does know about the media-libs/clutter that installs the include directory
cited above.

Maybe the window manager clutter is named after media-libs/clutter and
really does require headers from /usr/include/clutter-1.0 ?

I don't know, but it seems a possible source of confusion.

Anyone else know for sure?

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