Hey all

I have a curious problem with squid. At my old high school they have to machines.
Machine A - Mail, file, et al server. It has squid running but deny's all access except to those fortunate people (IP's). Running red hat (dont ask not my baby).

Machine B - Proxy server. It has squid ( 3128) and dansguardian running ( Does the authentication through Machine A. Running Gentoo o///

Up until the other day you could not gain access to squid from port 3128 except for local host. All the comps are setup to use 8080. Now I did some testing with squid. If I formally declare:
ACL pc src
http_access deny pc

That pc is denied access through 3128 yet the others are still allowed through even though:
ACL localhost
http_access deny !localhost

ACL all src
http_access deny all

Now this was working up until the other day :( The same problem is being experienced on Machine A where people (IP's) that would and should fall under the deny all rule are not being blocked.

Can anyone speculate as to what may be causing this? I dont know if the [roblems are related but I suspect so.

Thanks Rav

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