Ah this ought to take many of you old farts  for a trip down
memory lane

Remember gopher from U Minsesota [1] ?

I ran across one of my old gopher servers, a company still uses,
but are trying to hide (so I cannot divulge the source).

But, I was kicking around setting one of for a phd egg_head
scientist friend..... He is convinced it is the best tool
for what he needs. After installation it'll be interesting
if he benchmarks it against something like postgresql or
(an even faster solution?). What features he thinks gopher has (the
protocol) to provides this advantages, he will not divulge, yet.

So in portage (I'm lazy) we have: net-misc/gofish, net-misc/geomyidae,
kde-misc/kio_gopher (a kde front end?) and net-misc/sgopherd.

I looking for something very, very fast, written in C 
and small enough to keep the gopher-engine in ram (less than 8gig).
Any discussion, comments or suggestions are most welcome.


[1] http://ils.unc.edu/callee/gopherpaper.htm

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