Hi guys
I've been trying to get gnome-btdownload running off and on for a while now
but no
joy.  I saw an ebuild in the ecatmur overlay, but i noticed that every once
in a while
ecatmur is down, so i figured it's a bit risky.  Also, it doesn't work.

Some questions:
1) is there any other overlay that comes with gnome-btdownload?  Something
than ecatmur?  Or an ebuild for it maybe?
2) gnome-btdownload dies with the following error on startup.
=== gnome-btdownload error message
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gnome-btdownload
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/gnome-btdownload", line 3, in ?
    import sys, gnomebtdownload
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gnomebtdownload/__init__.py", line
18, in ?
    from client import *
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gnomebtdownload/client.py", line
22, in ?
    import BitTorrent.download, BitTorrent.bencode
ImportError: No module named download

Where or how do I configure my system to get this stuff?
my gnome-btdownload version is thus
=== gnome-btdownload version
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ equery list gnome-btdownload
[ Searching for package 'gnome-btdownload' in all categories among: ]
 * installed packages
[I--] [ ~] net-p2p/gnome-btdownload-0.0.31 (0)


What do I need to post? world file? use flags?  clueless here.

Ever since i added ecatmmur, revdep-rebuild keeps rebuilding pygobject.  I
it's a broken dependency in ecatmur, so I removed both that and
for now.  Has anyone gotten gnome-btdownload working?

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