Well this was interesting...

One thing that mercurial does is if you clone a repo and the target
directory is on the same filesystem as the source, it create hardlinks
of files on the destination for efficiency.  Well this is fine, but...

One of the things my project does is create a virtual appliance of
itself, and how it does that is it creates a chroot, installs gentoo,
installs itself, and then copies the chroot to a disk image.  Well, this
happens on the same filesystem (as root) and in the appliance-making
process a user is created in the chroot and also the rep is cloned
inside the chroot and chowned to that user.  Well the first regular uid
is 1000 and since "hg clone" was making symlinks, my repo got ownership
changed to the user inside the chroot :|

So the fix is to use "hg clone" with the "--pull" option to prevent
mercurial from creating hard links.

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