With net-misc/wget-1.13.3-r2, when executing `wget --version', I get
    "GNU Wget 1.13.3 built on linux-gnu.\n\n+digest "
(intepret as C string, you migh need to note that there is no newline in
the end of the output); when executing `wget --help', I get
    "GNU Wget 1.13.3, a non-interactive network retriever.\n"
(also intepret as C string).

This seems to be a bug since with `--help', wget should print its
options; and with `--version', wget should print its compile-time
configurations, which should be more than 20 lines.

My Gentoo system is updated daily with global ~amd64 keyword in use.
USE flags of net-misc/wget-1.13.3-r2:
    ipv6 nls ssl -debug -idn -ntlm -static

Sorry to report this in the mail list, but there's some difficulties in
accessing <bugs.gentoo.org> for me. Please tell me if this is

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