Has anybody else noticed that revdep-rebuild recently started to

I have it set thusly in make.conf


and that used to prevent revdep-rebuild from reinstalling
sci-electronics/digilent-waveforms every time (it's a binary install
that has it's own version of a bunch of shared libraries).  

Sometime in past month or so, revdep-rebuild started to reinstall it
every time despite the SEARCH_DIRS_MASK.  AFAICT, the layout of the
waveforms package hasn't changed.  When I add --verbose to the revdep
rebuild, all of the files that trigger the reinstall appear to be
under the masked directory.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! On the road, ZIPPY
                                  at               is a pinhead without a
                              gmail.com            purpose, but never without
                                                   a POINT.

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