On my amd64 laptop, on resume from hibernation, wicd almost always
fails to restart.  This problem goes back to when I set up the machine,
over a year ago, but it seems to have gotten a lot worse in the last
month or so.

I'm using openrc and sys-power/hibernate-script.  I run mostly stable;
AFAIK stable everything to do with power management, init, and
networking.  I use stable gentoo-sources.  AFAICS, resuming works
normally except for wicd.

The configuration for hibernate-script has:

RestartServices fcron wicd

When it wicd fails to start, in /var/log/messages I see entries like

Apr 23 08:38:28 sepulchrave dbus[1369]: [system] Activating service 
name='org.wicd.daemon' (using servicehelper)
Apr 23 08:38:28 sepulchrave dbus[1369]: [system] Activated service 
'org.wicd.daemon' failed: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1

`sudo /etc/init.d/wicd start` always works to get it going again.  And
on (re)boot, wicd starts fine.

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