Hello there,


We have a newly compiled list of Nurses contact information.


Contact Information such Name, Company's Name, Phone Number, Fax Number, Job
Title, Email address, Complete Mailing Address, SIC code, Company revenue,
size, Web address etc.


We also have other specialist such as Cardiologist, Internal medicine,
Radiologists Family Practitioners Orthopedists and all others.


We provide these contacts with complete details with direct email address
with unlimited usage for your email marketing. Please let me know if you are


Please let me know the below and I shall get back to you with other list
details accordingly.


Target Specialist___?

Target Geography___?


Hope to hear from you soon.




Cheryl Strack - Marketing Analyst


This is an attempt to begin a conversation with you. If you would rather not
hear from us, please respond mentioning UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

If you are not the right person please forward this email to the right
person in your organization.





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