We currently have a git project with a root directory ("~/project")
for pipelines and deployment of a Node app, and then a subdirectory
After realizing that we didn't need the node app in a subdirectory, we
moved the full app into the root directory (using the mv command).

The Problem:
Our node_modules folder is being tracked by git (173MB) and was moved
into the root directory along with the other files.  After moving the
files, I ran "git add --all" in order to track the new files.  Rather
than the expected output of the (albeit very long) list of files, I
was presented with a segmentation fault error.

[1]    90837 segmentation fault  git add --all

Attempting to run other git commands (commit, add) now responds with:

fatal: Unable to create '/Users/tillson/project/.git/index.lock': File exists.

Running "git status" shows that git successfully tracked that the
original files within ~/project/project-app were deleted, but it did
not pick up the "newly created" files from moving.
Removing .git/index.lock (an empty file) allows for me to run "git
commit" but no changes are recorded ("no changes added to commit").
Running "git add --all" again causes a seg fault and repeats the

I would assume that the cause of the seg fault was that node_modules
held too much data for git to be able to handle in one go.  I'm not
sure if this is considered a (likely at this point known) bug or if
it's just a caveat of using git.
I am admittedly not an expert with git, so if there is anything useful
(logs, config files, etc.) I can supply to help fix this, I'd be happy

Tillson Galloway

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