
On Tue, 9 Dec 2008, Sam Vilain wrote:

> On Mon, 2008-12-08 at 10:39 +0000, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > if you _really_ think it's a good idea to go down that route, i _very 
> > strongly_ suggest that you make contact with the gnunet developers, 
> > who have had _several years_ experience in dealing with these kinds of 
> > issues, and that you make mirrorsync ride on the back of gnunetd as a 
> > gnunet service.
> This is a good suggestion, and once we have something worth reviewing 
> I'll take it to them to see what they think.

As a matter of fact, I talked to one of them at the GSoC mentor summit 
2007.  They seemed interested, but not interested enough to get in touch 
with me (and me, being quite busy, neither).

There are two big (one of them political) points against gnunet, though.

1) gnunet will never be specialized toward exchanging Git data.  So we 
   might very well inherit an rsync-like penalty.

2) gnunet is known to contain, um, unwanted content.  I would probably not 
   use that transport, if only to prevent content I disagree with from 
   entering my hard disk.

> > if you want to succeed in a particular area, you need to listen to the 
> > people who have the expertise, already.  the people you met at the git 
> > BOF have _zero_ p2p expertise: they have however plenty of _git_ 
> > expertise.
> >
> > so listen to them when it comes to git, and don't even _ask_ them for 
> > advice on p2p.
> Didn't you know, we're a bunch of arrogant gits.  We know better by
> definition.

Besides, by that reasoning, we should have copied the design either from 
Subversion (lots of experience!) or BitKeeper (innovative!).  Yet, I think 
that nobody who actually knows something about Git will disagree with this 
statement: Git is better than Subversion and BitKeeper.

Oh, and there is another lesson you can learn from us arrogant Gits: if 
you write a long, long, long email where a large part is pretty unfocused, 
it might be the case that it will be only skimmed.  I do not have the time 
to read such mails, and I salute you (Sam) for having done so.


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