
I have a problem with the Eval class. Maybe its just that a compiler
flag or import declaration is missing. I compiled with
   ghc-4.01/bin/ghc -c -fvia-C -syslib exts

and got the error message:
   No instance for `Eval Int'

OK, let's try 
   instance Eval Int where
      seq x y = y           -- because ints are already evaluated

Then I got the error message:
   Class `Eval' does not have a method `seq'

However, in the hugs standard prelude one can find the following

class Eval a where
    strict :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
    seq    :: a -> b -> b

It's *not* a special problem of ghc-4.01.

Has somebody an idea what to do or can give me a hint on a report 
for the Eval class?

Thanks in advance
 Christoph Herrmann
 WWW:     http://brahms.fmi.uni-passau.de/cl/staff/herrmann.html

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