> IIRC, this has already been discussed quickly some time ago, but
> anyway: To conform more with the rest of the *nix world and decrease
> the confusion of my students, I'd like GHC to be less verbose by
> default. IMHO the following messages should not be issued without
> any commandline flags:
>    ghc: module version unchanged at 1
>    ghc: module version changed to 1; reason: no old .hi file
>    ghc: ignoring heap-size-setting option (-H30M)...not the largest seen
>    NOTE: Simplifier still going after 4 iterations; bailing out.
>    Out of date: Foo.lvl12
>    Compilation IS required
>    ...

I second that motion. I was going to raise this issue myself.

> Simple rationale: If nothing goes wrong during compilation, there's
> no output at all (well, apart from the object files and the like :-).
> I propose the following: The current messages should be enabled by
> -v and the current -v messages should be enable by -vv (or something
> similar).

No, because gcc gives the same kind of output with -v that GHC currently
does with -v; I don't think that should change. Enable the above stuff with
something like -fnoisy.

And now for something completely different... What the heck is that green
creature in the upper left-hand corner of the top panel of the GHC home
page? It looks like a sock puppet. :)


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