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On 9/30/06, Rene de Visser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What do I need to install for the regex library support on MINGW?

It looks like the regex library needs the posix library, and in my MINGW /
MSYS installation I don't find one
(and neither does configure).

I have not run into this problem with the regex library but I ran into a similar one when building network. Did you get the regex library after you had already run autoreconf? If so, you need to run autoreconf and ./configure again in the ghc root directory.

I seem to have worded myself poorly.
I don't have regex.h on my system. And that seems to be the problem. It doesn't come standard with Mingw and MSYS.
Where do I get a posix regex library for Mingw/MSYS?
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