Let me point out that this Stephan's rant (or constructive criticism) has hijacked responses to my original question about how well (or not) gluster will work for my specific situation. While the general comments are relevant (as in "it won't work for anyone, here's why"), it does take the conversation rather far afield, without changing the subject line. That's not helpful.

Mario Kadastik wrote:
I'm going to make this as simple as possible. Every message to this list should 
follow these rules:

1. be helpful
2. be constructive
3. be respectful

I will not tolerate ranting that serves no purpose. If your message doesn't 
follow any of the rules above, then you shouldn't be posting it.
Might be jumping in here at a random spot, but looking at Stephan's e-mail it 
was all three. It was helpful and constructive by outlining a concrete strategy 
that would make glusterfs greater in his opinion and to an extent that's 
something I share, performance IS an issue and makes me hesitate in moving 
glusterfs to the next level at our site (right now we have a 6 node 12 brick 
configuration that's used extensively as /home, target would be a 180 node 2PB 
distributed 2-way replicated installation). We hit FUSE snags from day 2 and 
are running on NFS right now because negative lookup caching is not in FUSE. In 
fact there is no caching. And NFS has hiccups that cause issues especially for 
us because we use vz containers with bind mounting so if the headnode nfs goes 
stale we have to hack a lot to get the stale mount remounted in all the VZ 
images. I've had at least two or three instances where I had to stop all the 
containers killing user tasks to remount stably.

And to be fair at least in this particular e-mail I didn't really see much 
disrespect, just some comparisons that I think still remained in respectful 

Mario Kadastik, PhD

  "Physics is like sex, sure it may have practical reasons, but that's not why we do 
     -- Richard P. Feynman

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