On  9 Feb, csmith wrote:
> group
>        I went to  http://violet.ibs.com.au/openssh/ and clicked on the Linux
> link to ftp.opendsd.org/OpenBSD/OpenSSH/openssh-1.2.2.tgz  I have
> downloaded and expanded this file on my machine, 
> /downloads/openssh-tar/ssh  I have run across something a little
> disorenting  there is a makefile in each directory created after the
> file is expanded ( assuming I were to install this thing am I supposed
> to run make on every directory??)  as is typical of most Linux programs
> ther are many assumption and few if any directions on how to set up the
> program. I doen't even know if this reailly is a linux version of what I
> want, I just followed the links
>   man make doesn't say anything about this type of situation.

Think about it for a second; if you were a *developer* of openssh,
would you want to run make in every directory?  Nope, absolutely not.
Developers are *lazy*; I know, I am one.  It all depends on what the
contents of the makefiles are; in this case, they are set up to recurse

>  Typical Linux little if any documentation and hours of research to
> simply install a program.
> any insight is appriciated

I just spent a grand total of *5* *seconds* looking for installation 
documentation on openssh (the web page took 3 seconds to load, give me a
break); there is a link on the openssh web page you gave a link to above
just a few lines below the link to the Linux port to installation
instructions, under the Documentation section.  The usual incantation of
configure, make, make install does what it is supposed to do.  Isn't
that included as a README in the tarball you downloaded?

It does in fact have typical Linux installation instructions: Configure
prerequisites as appropriate, run configure, then make, then make
install, then set up any site-specific configuration files, then run it.

Alternatively, look for a package for the distribution you are using. 
Chances are there is already a package made up that would be much
easier to install (I know for a fact that it is one line in Debian -
apt-get -f install ssh)

Stephen Ryan                                        Debian GNU/Linux
Technology Coordinator
Center for Educational Outcomes, 
C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth College

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