What : Summer BBQ
Where: Miles Smith Farm, Loudon, NH
Who  : You! Members! Everybody!
Date : SUNDAY 15 July 2007
Time : 4 to 7(ish) PM

Was originally scheduled for Sun 1 July
Now scheduled for Sun 15 July
All other details remain the same

  CentraLUG's regular night for July 2007 would put the meeting on Mon
2 July -- two days before Independence Day. We've decided that a
Summer Barbecue would be more fun. Let's all get together, bring some
food, and just enjoy the company of friends and colleagues. Tech
discussions are optional, albeit probably inevitable. Anyone
associated with CentraLUG or GNHLUG is welcome to attend, provided you
sign-up first, and bring a food dish for the pot-luck dinner. BYOB.
Children are welcome.

  Since 7 PM on a Monday night is kind of a weird time for a BBQ,
we've moved things to a different day.  We had originally been aiming
for Sun 1 July, but someone pointed out that was a NHIS NASCAR Race
Day.  That made our venue unreachable right in the middle of our
planned time.  The Rescheduled date is Sunday 15 July (two weeks
later).  Things will get underway around 4 PM, and finish up around 7
PM (or whenever Bruce kicks us out).

  This will still take the place of the regular CentraLUG and DLSLUG
meetings for July.  It is, however, open to all, and not just
CentraLUG/DLSLUG regulars.

  Bruce Dawson has kindly offered up Miles Smith Farm in Loudon, NH
for the venue (thanks, Bruce!). If you've never been to Bruce's farm,
it's a beautiful spot, with a rustic old farm house and barn, hilly
fields, and an incredible view. The "farm" part isn't just a name --
it's an actual, working farm, with cows and horses, and farm products
for sale. Don't let that scare you away, though -- Bruce is a
certified geek, so electricity and WiFi Internet are readily

  For more information, updates, and/or to RSVP, please visit:


  Hope to see you there!
gnhlug-announce mailing list

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